
Painting portraits
Painting portraits


These simple shapes create the foundations of the portrait which, over the course of the painting, are explored. To this end I begin my portraits with a ‘robot’ shape. Any initial drawing is used to establish the main shapes that details can be dropped in later on. This is akin to sculpting a face and knocking it into shape over time. I favour a more basic start with the refinements building up and crystalized at the end. Personally, I’ve found coming to an image cold and expecting to nail a likeness early on, before essentially colouring it in, is asking a lot. Starting with an accurate drawing is such a staple approach to portraiture that no one questions it. This can easily stifle those expressive, confident brushstrokes that creates a sense of ownership. I have just found any elongated time spent on the initial drawing of a portrait kills the spark of passion and instils a sense of preciousness about the line work. Or starting with the standard egg shape of a face and adding plenty of construction lines. These may include using a grid to break down the drawing into smaller chunks. If you’re a beginner there are plenty of tutorials you can follow. I have found the trick is to forget everything.

painting portraits painting portraits

Mostly the painting will look liberated, but the likeness may suffer. You could try portraiture without an initial drawing and see what happens.


In painting – and especially portraiture – the outline you use to guide your path can become the shackles that restrict the free movement of your arm and your imagination. It becomes tricky when balancing the need to master the drawing mechanics with the instinctive urge to simply express yourself. Plus, you might even leave bits out or reinvent the thing all together. You break it down, conceptualise it, and put it back together in some kind of creative form. The other skill you acquire is simply the patience to look at something.

painting portraits

The skill creeps up on you through practise and ingrains as a habit making the act so much more instinctive.


Link copied to clipboard Hashim Akib shows how to paint an expressive portrait in acrylic while still establishing a structureīeing able to draw provides the confidence and perception needed to learn how to paint an expressive portrait in acrylic.

Painting portraits